
Charanduk Financial Services

What is important about Money to you? We want to learn what that simple question means to you. Everyone has a different idea of what Money means to you. I want to first talk about you.

As a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), I believe your retirement comes down to a lot more than just the returns on a portfolio; it means understanding your vision for the future, understanding the kind of retirement you are looking to have, and the things you want to do as you work less. It’s about creating a roadmap that provides a fixed series of checkpoints to make sure timing and decision making aren’t just afterthoughts.

It’s about building solid, realistic plans that lay a foundation for the strategies and decisions that will flow from them. It’s about having a dedicated person to manage your investment portfolios; someone who’s part of the team, who has a track record, who knows you and your family and who you can talk to when you have questions.

It’s about being transparent: no hidden agenda, no hidden fees. It’s about having a process that works and the discipline to stick to it. It’s the experience, the skills and the knowledge to be able to consistently deliver the best advice.

Mostly though, it comes down to people; we like our clients, we care about them and we use everything we’ve got to make sure they reach their goals and that they stay on track.

How we help